Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Business Revealing Sex Jailed, SCTV Reproduction Online By A Minister

Jakarta - Sigi news investigative reports have been banned from running into the ears of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). In order to know the problem with the more obvious, as the IBC wanted to call the SCTV television station that has the event.

"IEC first want to check, correct or not, we want to call SCTV," said a member of the Center IBC, Yazirwan Uyun, Thursday (14/10).

Yazirwan explain that not a single agency to prohibit a broadcast news was not so long as it not contrary to the rules.

"IBC is also not able to prevent this if there are no things that have been violated. IBC have limits too," he added.

As reported, due to the intervention of a minister via the owner of SCTV, coverage Sigi investigation failed to appear last night. A United Indonesia Cabinet ministers reportedly II coverage piqued because of the material results of an investigation titled Sex Business Behind these prison bars.

Sigi investigation program that reveals the depravity of others in a correctional institution that originally aired last night (13/10/2010). However, intervention by the minister of national private station owners are making the show aired that did not work.

In the meantime, the management of prisons into the public spotlight because so many issues that meyeruak in institutions that shelter under the Directorate General of Corrections, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights is.
In addition to bringing no deterrent effect, the public's wrath because prisoners suburkan grow even more evil practice that is estimated to involve the pengelolalanya. For example, the prison became a place of production even selling drugs.

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